100% Channel Focused & Partner Dedicated



Sektor doesn’t sell to end users – ever. We are focused 100% on partners, and everything we do is about delivering value to the channel. We constantly research industry and technology trends and we build trusted vendor relationships, to ensure we can bring our partners the latest and greatest.

No partner is too large or too small for us, and every single order is important. Sektor even provides a wide range of distribution extras that value along every stage of the ordering, configuration and after-sales process. Join our family and become a Sektor partner today!



Apply to become a Sektor Reseller


Reseller Application Guide - Please Read

Before you get started

  • Please ensure the person signing this application form is an Authorised Signatory for the company.

  • Three (3) trade references are required. Utility companies and references with expenditure under NZD 2,000 are not accepted (References only required for a Credit Application).
  • Select either a Credit Application, or Cash Application form.

*Sektor policy for credit accounts requires an initial 90-day trading period as a Cash account, before enabling full Credit account terms.

Completing the Reseller application form

  • Please complete all fields including Important Contacts and Trade References.
  • Electronic form completion is preferred to help our team speed up the process, however you can print and complete by hand.
  • Please sign the first page and initial all pages where indicated. We accept electronic or handwritten signatures.
  • Email complete and signed form in PDF format (preferred) or scanned PDF/images to sales@sektor.co.nz

Next steps

  • Once we have received your completed application form, our team will be in touch with a quick phone call to help us better understand and be able to support your business needs. 
  • We will carry out trade reference checks prior to account approval.
  • Upon a successful application, you will receive an email with your account details, your Accounts and Web Admin logins to our web portal, and a starter information pack.
  • Welcome aboard! To start the partnership for you as an authorised Sektor reseller, our team will arrange a meeting to walk you through resources and tools available to you, such as simple online ordering, how to access special pricing, technical support, training resources to upskill your team, and more.

Sektor Reseller Application Form

Please reference our Reseller Application guide to ensure a successful application. If you have any questions about the process, contact us on sales@sektor.co.nz or call 0800 735 867.

You can complete the Fillable PDF via the link below and click the "PRINT FORM" button to print it.

Credit Application

Cash Application


(If using Google Chrome, right click and "Save Link as..." to print)